It is important to emphasize that authors will be able to choose the journal-first option. Journal-first is a submission option for authors who wish to have their papers published in the “Media Research”, “Media, Culture and Public Relations”, “Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems”, or “Acta graphica”. The decision about acceptance will be delivered after reviewing the received papers. The program committee reserves the right to redistribute the paper to another journal, with the obligation of the author to adapt the paper to the instructions of that journal. Papers accepted for publication in scientific journals will not be published in the conference proceedings.

Instructions to authors for scientific papers for the conference

First page should contain:

1. the name(s), position and degree of the author(s);

2. the name and brief institutional address(es);

3. phone number or e-mail;

Instructions on the structure of the article:

4. articles can have titles, abstracts and keywords in Croatian, Slovenian or English;

5. all manuscripts should have a summary of about 250-300 words and keywords;

6. maximum length of articles is 50,000 characters (8,000 words);

7. use 12-point, Times Roman, a ragged (not justified) right margin; do not use headers and footers;

8. subtitles should be written in 14-point; do not add numbers or write in capital letters;

9. citation should be consistent to Harvard citation style;

10. all manuscripts should be proofread

11. tables, pictures and diagrams should be numbered above; do not write inside a picture or diagram; in the lower right corner, indicate the sources;

12. notes must be consistently numbered throughout the text and printed at the end of the manuscript;

13. do not use footnotes for references, but write the references the end of the article;

14. the list of references at the end of the article should contain only the authors mentioned in the text.

Citation of the references: Media Research journal applies the Harvard system of citation, referencing and citing bibliographic units. References in the text should be cited in the following manner: (Castells, 2009: 45). All references mentioned in the reference list should be cited in the paper.

Reference list:

• Books should be cited: Castells, M. (2009) Communication Power. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199567041

• Chapters in books and almanac should be cited: Yu, N. (2014) Sentiment Analysis in UGC, 43–65. In: M. F. Moens, J. Li i T. S. Chua (ed.): Mining User Generated Content. London: Chapman and Hall. ISBN 9781466557406

• Journal articles should be cited: Hsueh, M., Yogeeswaran, K. & S. Malinen (2015) “Leave Your Comment Below: Can Biased Online Comments Influence Our Own Prejudicial Attituds and Behaviors?”, Human Communication Research, 41 (4), 557–576. doi: 10.1111/hcre.12059.

• Web sources: WAN-IFRA Staff (2016) The 2016 Global Report on Online Commenting: Executive Summary, The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), available at, downloaded on 19. 9. 2020.

When sending electronic contributions, in case diagrams are added to the text, they should also be provided as separate file(s) in the format of the program used for creating them (e.g. MS Excel or similar).

Peer-review: All articles undergo double-blind peer review. The author is obliged to correct the article according to the reviewer’s instructions, proofread the Croatian and English languages as soon as possible and present all accepted and entered corrections in writing. There is no charge for the publication of works and the review process. The editorial board reserves the right, on the basis of an editorial pre-review, to reject work that does not match the profile and standards of the journal or does not comply with ethical standards.